Counter 1 mana creature power 4 o grater
Counter 1 mana creature power 4 o grater

counter 1 mana creature power 4 o grater

Protection from Arrows (B): Seeing his army flounder when attempting to force a river crossing, Heraklius and his bodyguard spurred their mounts across the bridge, contemptuously defying the bite of the hail of Persian darts and javelins. Any army, unit, or band under his personal leadership, no matter their prior condition, will defy ever odd and defeat any enemy.


By his exhortations and example, Heraklius reformed the shadow of a once mighty force and led them into the very heart of Persia in a series of lightning campaigns, each returning upon Khosrau II all the cruelty he had inflicted on the Romans. Military Tactics (A): The Roman army was shattered and demoralized by the pain and exhaustion of over a decade of defeat, and faced the might of the seemingly unending Sassanian armies. So long as a chance of victory exists, Heraklius will find it. For his shrewdness and wisdom, he is recorded in Arab chronicles as one of the greatest and wisest Kings who ever lived. To a lesser extent, he also qualifies for Saber and Archer.Įye of the Mind (True) (A): Cold blooded, Heraklius manipulated all circumstances within his power. Heraklius is also an excellent candidate for Caster, Lancer, Rider, and of course, Ruler. It is said that in his suffering he was akin to Hezekiah, King of Judah. So afflicted by the determinism of fate, Heraklius passed away in aching madness and sorrow. In a few scant years, Muhammed stormed the world by the sword, and the both Empires, enfeebled by their struggle to the death, were powerless to resist. Heraklius was not allowed to enjoy the peace he had shed so much to earn. In a series of stunning campaigns, fought with bitter desperation and marked by superhuman feats of valor and endurance, he so mortally wounded the Sassanian dynasty that their entire Empire soon unraveled into utter anarchy. As he took up the Imperial purple, the universe seemed to conspire against him, adding to the ranks of Rome's enemies and the utter destitute of the Roman peoples. Rejecting the rule of Phocas, and seeing how the Romans were being defeated on all fronts, Heraklius and his family eventually planned and executed a coup d’état, in which he was acclaimed Emperor of the Romans. Shortly thereafter, Shahanshah Khosrau II began the twenty year Roman-Sassanian war that would bring both Empires to utter ruin, on the pretext of avenging the Emperor Maurice. The ruling Emperor, Maurice, was deposed by an usurper by the name of Phocas. Heraklius was the son of a skilled general, who would eventually become Exarch of Africa. In the Muslim world he is remembered as one of the greatest mortal rulers to grace the Earth, of just character and great wisdom.

counter 1 mana creature power 4 o grater

He is famous in the West as a tragic figure, whose incredible maneuvers permanently defeated Sassanian Persia and restored the True Cross to Jerusalem, only to witness the Muslim irruption onto the world. Heraklius is one of the legendary Emperors of Rome, a figure who, to this day, inspires awe and quickens the imagination. Alternate Classes: Caster, Lancer, Rider, Ruler

Counter 1 mana creature power 4 o grater